We are pleased to announce the launch of our new look website which we hope you like and enjoy!
With the business now in its 7th year we decided that now was the time to update and evolve certain elements of the business and our website was one of the things that we wanted to improve and bring up to date.
We didn’t want to make wholesale changes to the site, and the web address stays exactly the same (www.mlfa.co.uk). We simply wanted to evolve what we had, make it more modern, mobile responsive, easier to navigate, increase its safety and security and include some new features such as Latest News and Our Newsletters. We also wanted to use this opportunity to update the pictures used on the website so (sadly..) our images now reflect our current age!
This re-design will also make it easier for us to continue to evolve the site moving forwards and we already have some ideas of the kind of things that we would like to add to the website so watch this space!