Thursday 17th November saw ML’s annual Client Day event once again take place at Dunston Hall in Norwich.
Almost 150 clients of the company attended this annual event that saw the event hosted by Craig McClurg, presentations by Simon and David Lister all of ML as well as presentations and a talk given by two guest speakers.
Jerome Nunan of Aviva provided an economic overview of what is going on in the world and the effect that it may have on each one of us. Our second guest speaker was Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards – few will forget the enormous impact that he had in the late 1980’s by becoming Great Britain’s first Olympic Ski Jumper. Although he did not win an Olympic medal, he did win a place in the hearts of spectators all around the globe due to his lack of success but more importantly his pure determination and ‘have a go’ attitude. More recently there has been a film made of his life starring the cream of Hollywood – Hugh Jackman, Taron Egerton and Christopher Walken.
Following the guest speakers, lunch was provided, each client went away with a gift and 10 lucky clients were recipients of a meal for 2 with a glass of champagne at one of 3 local prestigious restaurants courtesy of the ML Golden Ticket Prize Draw!
We were delighted that so many of our clients attended and enjoyed the day – feedback on this, the third ML Financial Client Day, has been fantastic and planning has already started for 2017!